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River Stopbank Assessment

LDE conducted geotechnical investigations, stability and liquefaction-induced damage assessments along 50km of the river stopbank. The investigation of the Waipaoa River stopbanks, specifically, included the following work;

  • 11 electronic cone penetrometer tests were put down to 10m depth within 1m of the toe of the riverside of the stop bank. Testing was undertaken in accordance with international standards, with the interpretation of soil material type by Robertson’s (1986) methodology.
  • 20 hand auger boreholes put down to up to 3.0m depth or refusal in various locations on either side of the stopbanks. Measurements of the undrained shear strength of the soil were taken at 200mm intervals using a handheld shear vane.
  • 23 Scala penetrometer tests put down to 3m depth within the crest of the stopbanks with measurements taken in 50mm intervals.
Location: Poverty Bay Flats, Gisborne
Client: Gisborne District Council

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